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Gilsar Lake in Srinagar on the verge of extinction

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Kashmir News Trust #KNT

Famed Gilsar Lake in Kashmir capital Srinagar receiving waters from Dal Lake is dying its own death-courtesy lackadaisical approach of Lake Conservation and Management Authority previously known as the Lakes and Waterway Development Authority.

This polluted lake has been encroached upon by land grabbers while authorities are doing nothing to restore its pristine glory.

A group of conscious citizens told news agency Kashmir News Trust that a few decades back, Gilsar along with Khushalsar Lake were the major tourist attractions and bird-watching sites, but today, one stops his breath while passing through the banks of this lake due to foul smell.

“Non-conservation of this lake has facilitated encroachments. The lake has shrunk in its size. It has virtually become a dumping site now where people throw all the dirt including plastic bags,” they said.

A large expanse of Gilsar Lake has been extensively encroached upon. In absence of any regulation, shops and buildings have come up on the fringe of the lake. “LC&MA is responsible for all the mess. Due to lack of accountability, authorities are not paying any attention and it seems now this Lake will die its own death gradually. [KNT]

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