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Rulers enjoying at the cost of poor people in Kashmir: Er Rasheed

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Kashmir News Trust #KNT

Coming down heavily on politicians and National Conference for looting PDD and not paying their dues to the Department, MLA Langate Engineer Rashid Friday said that it is most unfortunate that the top politicians who are ruling the state and enjoying all privileges and giving poor people sermons of morality, reminding them of their duties and making huge and hallow promises to them to change their fate are themselves huge defaulters towards various departments.

While addressing a public meeting in Langate Constituency of North Kashmir’s Handwara, Er. Rashid said, “In a state where there is always huge Power crisis and people are facing continuous and intolerable power cuts but the rulers are getting round-the-clock power supply and still they fail to pay their bills regularly. It is unfortunate enough that still the power connections of common people are disconnected for a few hundred rupees if they fail to pay their bills on the due date.

He reminded the power department that when just two days back they lodged an FIR against poor villagers of Shanoo falling in Langate constituency who were simply demanding repairs to their old damaged transformer for weeks why can’t it start proceeding the same way for the real defaulters including owners of Nawa-e-Subh Complex, security forces, Industrialists, Bureaucrats, politicians, and their relatives. These white elephants and blue-eyed persons are enjoying all sorts of privileges and basic immunities of life but making those to suffer who give them the power to run the state at the political and bureaucratic level. If Chief Minister who is Power Minister as well believes in high moral values which he has been discussing often then he must offer an unconditional apology for his party taking PDD for a ride.”

He further said that the state government does not hesitate even in sucking blood from lakhs of unemployed educated youth by forcing them to pay Rs 200 for getting a simple form for the job.

He also criticized the decision of Shri Amarnath Shrine Board to increase the duration of the Yatra by 18 days.

“Worst enemies of Kashmiris and even communal forces have always been confessing that Kashmir’s majority community has offered wholehearted support to the Yatra under all circumstances. But it is unfortunate that hidden hands often want to keep one issue or the other on the boil with regard to Yatra. It were the environmental experts, civil society members, and other well-meaning institutions who were demanding

that the duration of Yatra should be curtailed for various reasons but it’s unfortunate enough that the Shine Board has taken a reverse decision,” he added. [KNT]

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