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Chattergam killings: Srinagar family demands arrest of guilty soldiers

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Kashmir News Trust #KNT

The Nowgam family from Srinagar outskirts that lost their member in Army firing Wednesday reiterated that a murder case should be registered against the erring Army personnel and the guilty should be tried in civil court.

Pertinently, two youth were killed and an equal number injured when Indian Army soldiers from 53 Rashtriya Rifles opened fire on a Maruti car in Chattergam area of Central Kashmir’s Budgam district killing Burhan Yousuf Bhat alias Faisal and Mehrajuddin Dar both residents of Nowgam Srinagar.

The family of the slain youth Burhan Yousuf Bhat while terming the claim of Army that it has indicted guilty soldiers as a hoax to hoodwink the people demanded that all the guilty soldiers should be tried in civil court.

The army have already claimed that it indicted nine soldiers including a Junior Commissioned Officer of 53 Rashtriya Rifles for killing Faisal and Mehraj in Chattergam Chadoora area of Budgam district on November 3 last year.

Muhammad Yousuf, the father of one of the slain youth told the news agency Kashmir News Trust that a murder case vide FIR number 231/2014 under section 302 already stands registered against the Indian soldiers in Police Station Chadoora.

“We appeal to police to take cognizance of the case and initiate action against the killers. We have no faith in Army inquiry but want the guilty should be tried in civil court,” he said.

Muhammad Yousuf castigated a news report which claimed that the family of discharged injured youth from the army hospital has thanked the Army for their goodwill saying that he doesn’t know about other families, but, “as far as my family is concerned, I will never thank Army for anything and I will never accept their monetary help and job. For me, they (Army) are the killers of my son and I will leave no stone unturned in getting them punished,” he said.

“Who knows whether Army indicted guilty soldiers or not and mere a press statement from Army can’t heal our wounds. Even civil administration doesn’t know about the quantum of punishment given to erring soldiers who were held responsible for killing innocent people in past,” he said and appealed Director General of Police and Inspector General of Police to take action against the guilty soldiers. (KNT)

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