
Anjuman Auqaf Jama Masjid announces ‘Salatul Istisqa’ at Jama Masjid, for respite from dry spell


Anjuman Auqaf Jama Masjid  has termed the drought-like situation in the valley as extremely alarming, saying the lack of rain and snow in this season is a matter of concern not only for those associated with the agriculture sector but also for the common man. It said there are even fears of the spreading of various diseases due to the drought.

We must seek forgiveness from Allah for our sins and organise meetings of repentance so that the Almighty will save us from this difficult situation, the Auqaf said in a statement.

At the time of such trials, we should turn to Allah and seek His help through supplications and ask Him to make us steadfast on the path of Islam so that He delivers us from this difficult time, Auqaf said

According to the statement, in this regard, under the auspices of Anjuman Auqaf, the Salaatul Istisqa would be offered on January 12, 2024, after Friday prayers in the Central Jama Masjid, Srinagar. It appealed to the people to participate in the prayer of repentance and forgiveness.

“We shall collectively, as well as individually, seek forgiveness of our sins before Allah, so that His favour may descend upon us and He helps us get rid of this difficult weather situation,” the Auqaf said.

It appealed to all imams of mosques, scholars, heads of religious institutions and general Muslims to organize “Istisqa” prayers at individual and collective levels.

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