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Kashmir: Sajad Lone advises Government not to meddle with private schools & introspect over its own performance

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Peoples Conference Chairman Sajad Lone has advised the government not to meddle with private schools. He said that the performance of private schools is far better than that of government-sponsored educational institutions.

Sajad Lone in a long tweet said that he himself is a product of a private school. How can the government decide on the fees that private institutions should pay?

Lone as per the news agency Kashmir News Trust suggested that the Government should first do an internal audit. As to how much money is spent by the government per capita on the education of those who attend government schools. Next comes results.

“So a relationship between money spent per child and average result per child will have to be established. If the government is doing a great job, these figures will indicate that. Then maybe the government could have the moral courage to thrust a fee regime on private schools.”

Sajad Lone said that if perverse the case which in all likelihood it will be, You spend millions and millions on education and all the top slots in terms of positions go to private schools. “And you can’t do your job properly. And now you are sermonizing— how they should do their jobs.”

Lone said that putting a child in a private institution is a voluntary act. What if a top school gets top teachers and pays them well? Are you going to stop them from charging fees at par?  Are you going to stop them from hiring the best teachers?

“And yes the private schools should have a standard system of paying the teachers. Let them charge as they want. But let no private school yea her be underpaid,” he said advising the government not to meddle with the private schools.

He said the vast majority of students who have done well academically belong to private schools. “If this is an institution which is performing let it perform. Stop creating impediments. And introspect about your own performance,” Lone said adding that for the record when he was a part of the government his views were the same. [KNT]

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