
At GMC Anantnag Scuffle Erupts After Death Of A Patient


Anantnag, Aug 7, KNT: A scuffle broke out between attendants, doctors, and security guards at Government Medical College (GMC) Anantnag after an elderly woman died due to alleged negligence by the doctors.

The situation escalated into a heated argument, with attendants accusing the doctors of being responsible for the patient’s death. Security guards intervened, leading to a physical altercation.

Police intervened, and the situation was eventually brought under control. Shortly after the incident, the doctors threatened to go on strike.

Attendants alleged that instead of keeping the patient on the Oxygen support system, she was shifted to a common ward where she breathed her last. They identified the patient as Hajira wife of Abdul Sattar Bhat, a resident of Larkipora Anantnag.

Attendants staged a massive protest demanding action against the irresponsible doctors.

Principal of GMC Anantnag, Dr Rukhsana Najeeb assured that an inquiry will be conducted to establish the facts surrounding the incident. She expressed concern that doctors are often made soft targets in such situations.

“Patient was around 90 years old and was chronic, admitted to the hospital 3 days ago. Only 30% of her heart was functioning,” she said and claimed that this hospital is overburdened. [KNT]


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