Anjuman hopes release of Kashmir Mirwaiz before Ramadan

Anjuman Auqaf Jama Masjid Srinagar expressed anguish over the fact that the pulpit of the historic central grand mosque continues to remain silent due to the three-and-a-half years ‘illegal and arbitrary’ detention of Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir Dr Moulvi Muhammad Umar Farooq, terming it a “matter of great concern for all of us”.
The Anjuman said in a statement that as the holy month of Ramadan is approaching, the people are hoping that the unjustified ban and restriction on their beloved leader and the tallest religious leader of Kashmir, Mirwaiz Umar Dr Moulvi Muhammad Farooq, will come to an end and he will be allowed to perform his duties towards the people.
“However, today is the 186th consecutive Friday when the Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir was prevented from offering the important religious duty of Friday prayer and carrying out his official duties of ‘Qaal Allah Wa Qaala Rasool (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam),” the Auqaf said, adding that by such actions, the religious sentiments of the people are continuously hurt.
The Anjuman Auqaf Jama Masjid Srinagar has expressed hope that at the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, for which there are only a few days left, the sentiments of the people will be taken care of by ensuring the unconditional release of Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir. [KNT]